Foothill Symphonic Winds Logo

Registration Form

If you have not been a member of the Foothill Symphonic Winds, you must
receive permission from the Music Director (Contact). Musical and logistic
considerations put a limit on our total membership and the size of sections.

If you have already registered and just need to pay, Click Here.

Please be mindful of your fellow musicians and PLEASE
   • Stay home if you feel sick,
   • Inform David Adams immediately if you test positive for any
     contagious disease, including, without limitation, COVID-19.

* Required Field
First Name:*    Last Name:*
State:                    ZIP Code:  
E-mail :*

Choose one or more:
Fall      (Sep - Dec 2024)
Winter (Jan - Mar 2025)
Spring (Apr - Aug 2025)
The Fee for each session is $110. If not paid in full by the third rehearsal of the session, a late fee of $20 will be added. Musicians wishing scholarship assistance or payment terms should contact the Treasurer or Music Director.
Please print this page, before submittal, if you desire a copy of your filing.

A completed Registration Form is required for each session. A single form is sufficient for those registering for multiple sessions, but expect to pay at the start of each session.

Registration Submittal:
  • Click on the "Submit" button above and your registration information will be sent electronically to the Treasurer and Music Director.


  • Fill out this form and save this page for presentation, if requested, at the rehearsal room. You do not need to "Submit" this form if you choose this method.