The Foothill Symphonic Winds (FSW) was formed in 1980. The ensemble performs classical and contemporary works written or transcribed for symphonic wind ensemble or concert band. The aim is to assist the musicians in continuing their musical growth while also providing high-caliber musical entertainment for the community. The FSW was a class offered by Foothill College in Los Altos Hills until all Music Performance classes were cancelled in the summer of 2011. The members of the FSW wanted to continue to operate in its traditional format, except as a non-profit organization. Articles of Incorporation were filed, a Board of Directors elected, and 501(c)(3) tax exempt status granted to the FSW by the IRS.
{To learn more about the Foothill Symphonic Winds, click here.
We meet in Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions. Our first rehearsal of the Fall session will be Wednesday, September 25, 2024, downbeat at 7:30 PM. While we don't have a fixed instrumentation, we do have a limit on our total membership for musical and logistical reasons. Musicians interested in joining the ensemble must receive approval from our Music Director (Contact). Existing members can register for a session or pay dues by using the following link: Register
Bruce Adams, Music Director
Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 3:30 PM
Cubberley Theatre, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA
Adults: $20 Students &
Seniors: $10
Tickets available at the Box Office 30 min before the concert
General Admission tickets may be purchased on-line at Lil Regie
PM, Cubberley Theatre
June 8, 2025
7 December 2025
15 March 2026
7 June 2026